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Order your wrestling SWAG.  It’s NOT just for wrestlers...it's for them and their biggest fans!

Get your YARD SIGNS and BAG TAGS! Password is CHS2023.

Stock up on your HYGIENE PRODUCTS in the spirit store to add to the wrestling bags.

Review the SCHEDULE to your calendars.

Sign up to VOLUNTEER at home tournaments, do your BACKGROUND CHECK.  

Be a part of the BOARD! Interested? APPLY NOW! 

Read some great articles to learn more about this incredible sport! 

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Gir'ls Instagram

Team Facebook 

Boy's Instagram

​​​​​Welcome to Coppell Cowboys and Cowgirls Wrestling 

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Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments.

​​​​​Region 1 - 6A Wrestling Championship

Square Store: Swag, Dues,

Community Sponsors

The Wrestling Team is proud to carry on a long history of sportsmanship and tradition of excellence at Coppell High.  These elite athletes participate in high school athletics because they believe it benefits every individual and promotes opportunities to build and strengthen relationships between all involved.